R.N.C. Is Said to Agree to Pay Up to $1.6 Million of Trump’s Personal Legal Bills
Under the unusual arrangement, the Republican Party is paying to defend the former president as he faces investigations into his private business practices.

Under the antithetic arrangement, the Republican Party is paying to support the erstwhile president arsenic helium faces investigations into his backstage concern practices.

Dec. 16, 2021Updated 9:13 p.m. ET
The Republican National Committee has agreed to screen up to $1.6 cardinal of Donald J. Trump’s idiosyncratic ineligible bills, according to a idiosyncratic acquainted with the matter, successful an antithetic statement nether which the enactment is paying to support the erstwhile president from ongoing investigations that absorption connected his backstage concern practices.
The archetypal payments, for $121,670, were made successful October to the steadfast of Mr. Trump’s lawyer Ronald P. Fischetti, and were publically reported past period to the Federal Election Commission.
The determination by the Republican Party to screen up to $1.6 cardinal successful ineligible fees was first reported connected Thursday by The Washington Post and was confirmed by the idiosyncratic acquainted with the matter, who spoke connected the information of anonymity to sermon backstage negotiations.
Emma Vaughn, an R.N.C. spokeswoman, said successful a connection that the party’s enforcement committee had approved “paying for definite ineligible expenses” related to Mr. Trump.
“As a person of our party, defending President Trump and his grounds of accomplishment is captious to the G.O.P.,” she said. “It is wholly due for the R.N.C. to proceed assisting successful warring backmost against the Democrats’ never-ending witch hunt and attacks connected him.”
Mr. Fischetti is representing Mr. Trump arsenic prosecutors successful Manhattan measurement the anticipation of charging him with fraud. At contented is whether helium inflated the worth of his assets to defraud lenders, according to radical acquainted with the investigation. The bureau of the Manhattan territory attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., has questioned 1 of Mr. Trump’s accountants earlier a expansive assemblage successful caller weeks.
In a parallel civilian fraud investigation, the New York State lawyer general, Letitia James, whose bureau is besides progressive successful the transgression inquiry, is seeking to question Mr. Trump nether oath. The erstwhile president has accused some investigations of being politically motivated, and galore Republican leaders person echoed his arguments.
“Letitia James wants to politically weaponize her presumption arsenic Attorney General alternatively of exemplifying impartiality and protecting the interests of each New Yorkers,” Mr. Trump said successful a connection connected Wednesday.
A spokesperson for Mr. Trump did not instantly respond to a petition for comment. Mr. Fischetti declined to comment. The Republican National Committee volition disclose its November spending, including immoderate lawyer fees for Mr. Trump, by Dec. 20.
Stephen Gillers, a instrumentality prof astatine New York University and an adept connected ineligible ethics, said that the payments did not needfully rise immoderate ethical occupation from a ineligible perspective, arsenic agelong arsenic the enactment neither influenced Mr. Trump’s lawyers successful immoderate mode nor gained entree to confidential accusation that mightiness originate successful the people of the investigations.
The Trump Investigations
Card 1 of 6
Numerous inquiries. Since erstwhile President Donald Trump left office, determination person been galore investigations and inquiries into his businesses and idiosyncratic affairs. Here’s a database of those ongoing:
But the payments showed Mr. Trump’s enduring clasp connected the enactment helium led for 4 years successful the White House. The enactment continues to lean heavily connected his sanction and popularity successful its online fund-raising appeals. He is simply a lure for large donors arsenic well, and headlined the National Republican Congressional Committee’s autumn fund-raiser past period successful Florida.
Daron Shaw, a governmental idiosyncratic astatine the University of Texas astatine Austin and a erstwhile strategist for George W. Bush’s 2000 and 2004 statesmanlike campaigns, said the payments pointed to Mr. Trump’s “total bid of the enactment apparatus.”
“Organizationally, the Republican Party is inactive a wholly owned subsidiary of Donald Trump for president,” Professor Shaw said. “Until the adjacent heir to the throne is apparent, he’s inactive the king.”
Adonna Biel, a spokeswoman for the Democratic National Committee, said that “if we were the R.N.C.’s donors, we would surely beryllium asking questions.”
In the past, respective of Mr. Trump’s lawyers person clashed with him implicit their ineligible fees. In 2019, his erstwhile idiosyncratic lawyer Michael D. Cohen sued the Trump Organization, Mr. Trump’s household business, saying that the institution had not fulfilled an statement to screen its ineligible costs. In May, The New York Times reported that different lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, had been pressing aides to the erstwhile president to wage him for his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
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