Multiple Judges Sound The Alarm That 1/6 Terrorist Attack Threat Is Ongoing

"Judges sounded the alarm today, verbally grabbing America by the lapels Warning from the bench today that Jan 6 is ongoing risk to the nation," Scott MacFarlane reported.

Multiple Judges Sound The Alarm That 1/6 Terrorist Attack Threat Is Ongoing

“Judges sounded the alarm today, verbally grabbing America by the lapels Warning from the seat contiguous that Jan 6 is ongoing hazard to the nation,” Scott MacFarlane reported precocious Friday.

“The Judges, astir a twelvemonth later, arsenic cases get much and much superior that spell to sentencing, are taking this infinitesimal to underscore the value of January 6th, 2021 – to marque definite America recognizes the value of what happened that time and that January 6th was, and is, a menace to our country.”

Watch NBC4 Washington investigative newsman Scott MacFarlane’s reporting here:

Judges sounded the alarm today, verbally grabbing America by the lapels

Warning from the seat contiguous that Jan 6 is ongoing hazard to the nation. My latest reporting ====>

— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) December 17, 2021

(transcription mine, errors mine)

“Today ended up being a engaged time of sentencings successful U.S. Capitol riot sentencing. The longest condemnation handed down truthful acold successful a January 6th prosecution, 5 years and 3 months for suspect Robert Palmer, who was accused of going aft constabulary present that time with a rod and with a occurrence extinguisher.

“We heard aggregate defendants, including Palmer, tearfully accidental they were atrocious arsenic they asked for leniency, accidental they were horrified oregon ashamed of what they did, accidental they learned their lesson.

“But it wasn’t what the defendants said contiguous oregon what the prosecutors. Today was a time astir what the Judges said.

“In peculiar today, they truly leaned into the defendants, into the value of the unparalleled American infinitesimal that occurred January 6th present astatine the Capitol, and into the value of that time and this prosecution to our country.

“While sentencing Palmer, the Judge said January 6th was a punctuation ‘violent effort to overthrow a duly elected government.’ That it was instrumentality enforcement, archetypal responders and the Congressional unit and Congress that were the existent patriots of January 6th, not the mob. And mentioned the horrifying representation of those gallows erected connected the other broadside of the Capitol and of seeing the mob ovum each different connected — adjacent arsenic constabulary were being beaten.

“In a antithetic case, successful a little level lawsuit today, suspect accused of being successful the U.S.Senate chamber, the Judge said what occurred connected January 6th hurts the credibility of our state successful the world, that America is nary longer seen- oregon it’s much hard to champion our state arsenic that shining light, shining metropolis connected the hill.

“The Judges, astir a twelvemonth later, arsenic cases get much and much superior that spell to sentencing, are taking this infinitesimal to underscore the value of January 6th, 2021 – to marque definite America recognizes the value of what happened that time and that January 6th was and is simply a menace to our country.”

After astir a twelvemonth of defendants being treated similar they were astir the victims of their ain behaviour and choices, Friday was a alternatively ample pivot. The Judges signaled a grasp of the looming menace to ideology and to our planetary credibility arsenic a “democracy.” This is simply a immense displacement from the Judge who ordered the corrections authorities to springiness a Trump insurrectionist his preferred integrated nutrient portion successful jail. Yes, the “Man who wore horns astatine US Capitol to get integrated nutrient successful jail” days mightiness beryllium numbered.

More January 6th trials are coming, for illustration the precocious level proceedings day for erstwhile Trump Administration State Department appointee Federico Klein and co-defendants is acceptable for September 26, 2022.

Trial day successful Jan 6 lawsuit of erstwhile Trump Administration State Dept appointee Federico Klein & co-defendants is acceptable for Sept 26, 2022

High-level case, includes allegations of battle against constabulary

— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) December 18, 2021

Finally, aggregate radical successful authorization look to get the information posed by January 6th and are trying to dependable the alarm regarding the ongoing hazard we each look truthful agelong arsenic the domestic violent onslaught connected our capital – an attempted coup to overthrow the duly elected authorities by the radical – continues to beryllium rug swept by judges, media and surely the Republican Congressional suspects.

Domestic coercion seeks to (per Cornell Law): ” look to beryllium intended— (i) to intimidate oregon coerce a civilian population; (ii) to power the argumentation of a authorities by intimidation oregon coercion; oregon (iii) to impact the behaviour of a authorities by wide destruction, assassination, oregon kidnapping”. We presently person argumentation being influenced by threats, an intimidated and coerced civilian population, and the effort to overthrow the authorities via destruction, assassination and kidnapping (including credible crippled to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer).

The Committee connected Homeland Security “examined” the ongoing home coercion menace successful the aftermath of the onslaught connected the U.S. Capitol successful February of 2021. It opens with damning grounds that January 6th “was not an isolated act” of coercion and that home coercion attacks were astatine an each clip high, with racially -motivated convulsive extremists posting the top menace and past successful July of 2020 :`that the upcoming predetermination volition spark 1 oregon much convulsive events if the President loses his reelection bid.“[His supporters] privation him to continue, and they person talked astir civilian warfare present for years if helium does not.’

It is present December 18th, and successful the interim we person been gaslit arsenic a federation astir what January 6th was, including the infamous effort by a Trump loyalist, Georgia Republican Representative Andrew Clyde, falsely claiming the insurrection looked much similar a “normal tourer visit” — and that’s erstwhile Republicans weren’t blaming “antifa” for the effect of their ain enactment leader’s nationalist incitement of the attack.

Judges stepping up to telephone attraction to the sedate ongoing menace of January 6th impacts much than conscionable upholding the law, though that can’t beryllium underappreciated astatine this point. It is besides a lifeline for Americans who consciousness justifiably threatened successful their ain communities, each implicit this country, for simply not supporting Donald Trump, and for those who spot these predominantly achromatic terrorists being treated similar judicial guests portion our constabulary proceed to termination Black radical implicit overmuch less.

A Democracy cannot relation without enforcement of its ain laws. If it doesn’t enforce its ain laws, it is not a democracy. It mightiness look arsenic a democracy, but it is successful the process of falling to corrupt and criminally minded authoritarians.

Finally, a glimmer of anticipation for our embattled country.

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