House Passes Legislation to Pave Way for Debt Ceiling Increase
The bill would provide a one-time pathway for the Senate to raise the debt ceiling on a simple majority vote, skirting Republican obstruction.

The measure would supply a one-time pathway for the Senate to rise the indebtedness ceiling connected a elemental bulk vote, skirting Republican obstruction.

Dec. 7, 2021
WASHINGTON — The House approved authorities connected Tuesday that would pave the mode for a swift summation successful the debt ceiling amid a Republican blockade, aft legislature leaders successful some parties agreed to effort an antithetic maneuver that could avert the menace of a first-ever national default.
The 222-to-212 vote came aft days of quiescent bipartisan talks to resoluteness the stalemate culminated successful a deal. Only one House Republican, Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, joined Democrats successful voting successful favour of the measure, demanding that the enactment successful complaint of some legislature chambers and the White House code the government’s quality to borrow.
Its transition was not guaranteed successful the evenly divided Senate, wherever Republicans person for weeks refused to fto Democrats instrumentality up immoderate measure to supply a semipermanent increase. But Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the number leader, signaled assurance that capable of his colleagues could judge the solution.
The Treasury Department has said that it could breach the statutory bounds connected its quality to borrow to concern the national government’s obligations soon aft Dec. 15 without legislature action. That would pb to a catastrophic default that would wreak havoc connected the U.S. and planetary economies.
The measurement would make a peculiar pathway — to beryllium utilized lone once, earlier mid-January — for the Senate to rise the indebtedness bounds by a circumstantial magnitude with a elemental bulk vote, allowing Democrats to steer wide of a filibuster oregon different procedural hurdles truthful that Republicans would person nary means to artifact it.
Democrats are apt to take a fig that would support the authorities from reaching the caller indebtedness ceiling earlier the midterm elections adjacent year, but elder aides acquainted with the talks did not instantly supply an amount. One Treasury estimation suggested that it could beryllium arsenic overmuch arsenic $2.5 trillion to support paying its bills done the midterms, according to a idiosyncratic acquainted with the preliminary accounting, who spoke connected the information of anonymity.
The contortions are indispensable due to the fact that Republicans person refused to driblet their blockade against authorities to supply a semipermanent summation successful the indebtedness limit, going beyond simply opposing the summation and refusing to let Democrats to bash truthful unilaterally. With Democrats utilizing the fast-track fund reconciliation process to shield President Biden’s $2.2 trillion climate, taxation and spending authorities from a filibuster, Republicans initially demanded they usage that aforesaid process to rise the indebtedness limit.
But Democrats balked, arguing that doing truthful would beryllium excessively analyzable and time-consuming, and that determination should beryllium a bipartisan effort to accommodate indebtedness approved by some parties. Instead, the caller measure would efficaciously portion Republicans of the accidental to filibuster an summation to the indebtedness bounds for a azygous time, a solution that Mr. McConnell said would interruption the logjam.
“I judge we’ve reached present a solution to the indebtedness ceiling contented that’s accordant with Republican views of raising the indebtedness ceiling for this magnitude astatine this peculiar clip and allows the Democrats to proudly ain it,” helium said astatine a quality league connected Tuesday.
The connection is wrapped into legislation that would postpone scheduled cuts to Medicare, workplace assistance and different mandatory spending programs that were acceptable to footwear successful adjacent year. Once that measure becomes law, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the bulk leader, would present abstracted authorities raising the indebtedness limit. That is expected to walk with lone Democratic votes successful the 50-50 Senate, wherever Vice President Kamala Harris is empowered to interruption ties.
“Democrats ever said that we were consenting to enarthrosis the load astatine 50 votes to get this done, arsenic agelong arsenic it wasn’t a convoluted oregon risky process,” Mr. Schumer said. “Leader McConnell and I person achieved that.”
Mr. McConnell and 10 Republicans agreed successful October to let the Senate to instrumentality up a short-term summation to the indebtedness limit, which yet passed with Democratic votes. But immoderate of those senators — including Mr. McConnell, successful a scathing letter to Mr. Biden — warned they would not acquiesce again.
But successful November, Mr. McConnell and Mr. Schumer began softly discussing alternatives.
“I’m assured that this peculiar procedure, coupled with the avoidance of Medicare cuts, volition execute capable Republican enactment to wide the 60-vote threshold,” Mr. McConnell said, predicting a Thursday ballot for the measure successful the Senate.
That would necessitate 10 Republicans to articulation Democrats successful advancing the measure, a imaginable that Mr. McConnell discussed astatine luncheon with members of his enactment connected Tuesday afternoon. Some Republicans questioned it, arguing that passing caller authorities to let a fast-track indebtedness ceiling summation would acceptable a caller and troubling precedent.
Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Republican of West Virginia, said she would person preferred that members of her enactment hold to let Democrats to rise the indebtedness ceiling with a bulk vote. “But we person recalcitrant members that won’t bash that,” she conceded, adding that she had not decided however she would vote.
Mr. McConnell and his allies person tried to transportation their Republican colleagues that the provisions averting scheduled cuts to Medicare and different programs marque the authorities worthwhile. But it was not capable for the overwhelming bulk of their Republican colleagues successful the House.
“My Democrat colleagues are choosing to spell it unsocial due to the fact that seemingly they’re obsessed with spending payer dollars wastefully,” said Representative Kevin Brady of Texas, the apical Republican connected the Ways and Means Committee. “House Republicans can’t enactment utilizing patients and entree to section doctors arsenic leverage to summation the nationalist indebtedness connected our children.”
Understand the U.S. Debt Ceiling
Card 1 of 6
What is the indebtedness ceiling? The indebtedness ceiling, besides called the debt limit, is a headdress connected the full magnitude of wealth that the national authorities is authorized to get via U.S. Treasury bills and savings bonds to fulfill its fiscal obligations. Because the U.S. runs fund deficits, it indispensable get immense sums of wealth to wage its bills.
Some Senate Republicans said they would beryllium unfastened to supporting the legislative gymnastics successful the involvement of foisting governmental work for raising the bounds onto Democrats.
“To person Democrats rise the indebtedness ceiling and beryllium held politically accountable for racking up much indebtedness is my goal, and this helps america execute that,” Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, told reporters earlier the lunch.
Democrats indicated that they would ain the vote.
“Democrats are consenting to beryllium the grown-ups successful the country and get it done,” said Senator Elizabeth Warren, Democrat of Massachusetts. Republicans, she added, were “the ones who are putting the United States astatine hazard for defaulting connected our ineligible obligations, and we conscionable can’t person that.”
Should the authorities go law, it is unclear however rapidly Mr. Schumer would bring up a measurement needed to rise the indebtedness ceiling. But the enactment connected Tuesday moved Democrats, who began the period with a daunting heap of important legislation, person to completing their year-end concern aft negotiators reached an statement connected defense argumentation legislation. They are anxious to crook their attraction to pushing done a $2.2 trillion climate, taxation and spending measure that carries the bulk of Mr. Biden’s home agenda.
“We are heartened to spot the advancement being made contiguous and anticipation for speedy information truthful we tin absorption connected the president’s economical agenda,” said Jen Psaki, the White House property secretary. “This would permission abstraction to walk clip and absorption connected that.”
The authorities would besides postpone until 2023 mandatory cuts to a scope of national spending programs, including workplace aid, assemblage artifact grants and a 4 percent simplification successful Medicare payments to doctors and hospitals.
It would widen a impermanent wage summation successful Medicare that was passed earlier successful the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of facing a abstracted 2 percent chopped successful January, doctors and hospitals would support their existent wage rates until April, with the chopped phasing successful dilatory afterward.
Alan Rappeport contributed reporting.
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