After Warm Start to Snow Season, Colorado Resorts Look for Relief
Record high temperatures have left mountain resorts across the state reliant on artificial snow. Winter storms predicted for this week could change that.

Record precocious temperatures person near upland resorts crossed the authorities reliant connected artificial snow. Winter storms predicted for this week could alteration that.

Dec. 8, 2021, 1:25 p.m. ET
An unusually lukewarm and adust commencement to Colorado’s snowfall play has near galore of the state’s upland resorts wholly babelike connected artificial snow, to the increasing vexation of wintertime sports enthusiasts.
Across the state, determination has been scant snowfall and grounds precocious temperatures. In Denver, much than 230 days person passed without snow, the city’s second-longest specified agelong successful much than a century. The snow, erstwhile it does come, volition the beryllium latest ever to autumn successful Denver.
Colorado’s upland resorts are looking to tempest systems predicted for Thursday and Friday to reset the gait for the season. They are hoping for respective feet of snowfall successful immoderate areas. In Denver, lone a fewer inches whitethorn fall, but it’s the “best accidental we’ve seen for snowfall successful a while,” Bernie Meier, a National Weather Service meteorologist successful Boulder, said.
Mr. Meier said the state’s snowpack, the layers of snowfall accumulated successful the mountains, is astir fractional of what it should be.
“We’re not precise acold into the snowfall play astatine least, truthful determination is clip to marque up that deficit,” helium said. “Right now, it’s been a dilatory start.”
This twelvemonth is shaping up to beryllium among the 5 hottest years successful Colorado history, Brad Rippey, a meteorologist astatine the U.S. Department of Agriculture, said.
More than fractional the state experienced drought conditions done the extremity of November, and this autumn was the 3rd warmest recorded, according to data released Wednesday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It was the second-warmest autumn successful Colorado, arsenic good arsenic successful Montana and Wyoming, which are besides fashionable with skiers.
Russ Schumacher, the manager of the Colorado Climate Center, said the authorities had experienced a warming inclination implicit the past 2 decades. This is “the clime alteration awesome successful its clearest form,” helium said, adding that Colorado’s exacerbated drought conditions affected different states that trust connected its water.
“We person a agelong past of h2o challenges successful the West, of course, and clime alteration is making those worse,” Mr. Schumacher said. “The snowfall that falls successful our mountains successful Colorado is the biggest earthy reservoir of h2o that ends up moving downstream to galore different states.”
Colorado’s skis resorts often beryllium connected snowfall machines aboriginal successful the season. This year’s lukewarm temperatures statewide person sharply constricted snow-making, which tin beryllium conducted lone astatine colder temperatures. This has led resorts to hold opening dates and importantly trim the magnitude of terrain unfastened to the public.
Despite lukewarm temperatures successful southwestern Colorado, Purgatory Resort successful the San Juan Mountains opened connected clip the play earlier Thanksgiving aft immoderate “fairly bully snow-making,” Dave Rathbun, the resort’s wide manager, said. The resort’s play mostly lasts done mid-April, helium added.
“The exertion improvements person truly helped america outwit Mother Nature,” Mr. Rathbun said. “We are basically snow farmers. We ever play the cards we are dealt.”
About 5 percent of the upland is open, though snowfall showers predicted for the remainder of this week could soon alteration that.
At Steamboat Ski Resort successful northwestern Colorado, 5 of the mountain’s 170 trails are open. Loryn Duke, a spokeswoman for the resort, said this play had been the warmest that she could callback successful the decennary and a fractional that she had worked there.
Ms. Duke said that each the snowfall astatine the edifice truthful acold this play had been artificially produced, though much than 2 feet of snowfall was expected to autumn this week.
“I ever deliberation it’s unthinkable that it’s a billion-dollar manufacture that depends connected thing you person zero power over,” Ms. Duke said.
Skiers said they were cautiously eying the upwind and forecasts of snow.
Phillip Luxner, 44, of Denver, said helium waited until the “last minute” to acquisition an Epic skis pass, which grants entree to galore resorts passim the season. He said helium had bought his passes connected Sunday, portion sitting connected his patio successful 60-degree upwind wearing shorts and sandals.
“Buying skis passes successful flip-flops feels weird,” Mr. Luxner said, noting that helium did not program to caput retired to the slopes soon. He said helium would hold for a bid of important snowstorms to deed and for the resorts to unfastened much terrain.
“I person nary tendency to skis up determination connected a greenish tally with a 1000 people,” helium said.
Collin Race Fenimore, 27, said his archetypal skis travel of the play connected Friday astatine Summit County’s Copper Mountain Resort had been uncomfortably hot. The slopes had started retired icy successful the greeting and past turned to slush, helium said, adding that lone a fewer lifts and skis runs had been open.
“It was astir apt a precocious of 50 degrees, but it truly felt similar 75 with your skis apparel on,” Mr. Fenimore said. “Early play is ne'er large snow, but I’ve ne'er truly been a portion of 1 that’s been this bad. So it’s decidedly a bummer, and I’m hoping we get immoderate much snow.”
Resorts are hoping to marque up for the steep losses they incurred erstwhile pandemic restrictions unopen down each Colorado skis areas successful March 2020, during the precocious season. The closings reduced skis visits by astir 4 million, Melanie Mills, president and main enforcement serviceman of Colorado Ski Country USA, said.
That play was devastating, said Alan Henceroth, main operating serviceman of Arapahoe Basin successful the Rocky Mountains.
“This is simply a truly large twelvemonth for us,” helium said. Referring to the 2019-20 and 2020-21 seasons, helium added, “We were coming disconnected a horrible twelvemonth and past a twelvemonth that was beauteous good, considering, and we request to person a bully year.”
Mountain resorts did dependable concern past season, operating done midspring nether section and authorities Covid-19 restrictions, Ms. Mills said. These mandatory regulations, specified arsenic capableness limits and reservations, person since been lifted.
Mr. Henceroth said that income astatine Arapahoe Basin were stronger than expected past year. The resounding connection was that radical wanted to beryllium connected the slopes, helium said.
“I deliberation radical truly wanted to ski, oregon thrust their bike, bash whatever,” Mr. Henceroth said. “So galore parts of each of our lives were thwarted, they wanted to get retired and bash stuff.”
Every skis play is important, Mr. Luxner said, adding that helium didn’t privation his children to miss retired connected a cherished pastime.
“I privation to marque definite my kids person the aforesaid opportunities I did erstwhile I was increasing up retired here, which is to get retired to the mountains,” helium said. “We don’t person the beach. We’ve got this.”
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